Friday, December 19, 2008

Mr. Mom

I have been staying home taking care of my daughter lately. It's kind of interesting to be home and not working. I am surprised to see how much there is to do at used to just get done. My wife has gone back to work as an RN and that helps with support. I am hoping to change careers soon. I have been in the car business as a Finance Director for 25 years and have had just about enough of the 75hr work weeks. I would like to feel like I accomplished something at the end of the day.

My daughter has pneumonia and that means she is going to miss school for 3 weeks with the holiday break. We get to be buddies for a little while. I have not gotten to spend much time with her around Christmas because of work and it's going to be nice to be with her...I hope she thinks so too! She is 9 yrs old and still thinks her daddy is pretty cool.

I am looking forward to going back to work, but not until after the first of the year. The time spent with my daughter will be time I may never have again!

I think my wife is looking forward to my return to work too! I don't keep thing as organized as she does. and she hasn't had to work full time in about 7 years so she is looking forward to my return to the workplace.

I think that God gave me this time and made things work out so I could be Mr. Mom for a while to show me what life is supposed to be. I have read the Bible and other books during this time and my study has been very comforting to me.

Prayer for today.

Thank you Father for this time with my family that you have graciously given me. Lift up all who are unemployed this Christmas season and let them find the comfort and peace you have given me. Help them find the positive side of things that don't seem to have any positive sides. Thank you for my family and thank you for giving your only son to us.
In Christ's name

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Shack

Several people including T.P. and my pastor said I should read this book.
Good book. Some folks quit reading after the first few chapters, but please continue to read. You will understand by the end of the book.
Anyone who has asked God why He allowed something to happen should read this book to help you understand.
Love is the primary thing God wants for us. When you walk with the Lord and truly have a personal relationship with Him is when you can have peace in your life.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Walking Led

My faith journey began in March 2008 during my Via de Cristo weekend. Since then I have learned so much thanks to God, Pastor Bill Draughn, my current Pastor David Locke, my reunion group and my study.
Every day I look forward to what God has in store for me and I know that He leads me. With this knowledge I have been able to get through some pretty tough times that would normally have me making a series of quick and poor decisions. I thank God every day for giving his Son to us so we may walk the path of Jesus.
Where he leads me I will follow!